Reign of Terror: Krennic in Star Wars Legion


The ever ruthless and ambitious Director Krennic has deployed the garrison to take down the Rebel threat in Star Wars Legion? Can the Rebels hold out?

Director Krennic has arrived in the Legion universe to dispense some Imperial justice. As a commander of an Imperial force, Director Krennic has the ability to Compel his subordinates to fight on, despite them being suppressed.

Director Orson KrennicCompel allows you to rally a squad at range 1-2, and if it is not suppressed, it may gain 1 suppression token to perform a free move action. This can push your Entourage of Death Troopers to fight on despite the Rebels best efforts. Imperial Death Troopers

The Imperial Death Trooper is truly a trooper squad to be feared. These Disciplined troops are able to be issued orders and remove suppression tokens at the same time, pushing through injury. Their Precise nature when attacking allows them to re-roll up to 2 additional dice when spending an aim token. This ability works perfectly with their Ready ability which gives them an aim token as soon as they perform a standby action. Always prepared and ready. DLT-190 Trooper

The Death Troopers are impressive with their array of weaponry, and a DLT-19D is a big gun to lug around. This upgrade adds a DLT-19D Trooper to your Death Trooper squad that adds a 2 red and 1 white die attack at range 1-4 which has Impact 1, adding an extra punch to Armored units.

Deploy the Garrison

Director Krennic is ready to Deploy the Garrison at the start of the activation phase. As a Command Card, this 2 pip ability allows you to choose up to 2 friendly trooper units, and those units may perform a free standby action. This can ready your Death Troopers, who gain an aim token after they perform a standby action. Ready your troops and crush the Rebellion with Director Krennic and his Death Troopers! 

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