Star Wars Legion Has Two New Expansions Up for Pre-Order

By Wesley Floyd | March 10th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Legion, Warhammer 40k Rumors

legion wal

The Rebels have had enough of what’s going on at Hoth. Two new expansions for the faction are on their way to the tabletop.

Fantasy Flight Games announced a preview of the two expansions for the Rebels. They’re both geared towards the cold weather too! Let’s go into the break down a bit further.

Tauntaun Riders Expansion


Forced to the fringes of the galaxy by the relentless pursuit of the Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance must establish bases on remote planets far from the gaze of Darth Vader and his feared Death Squadron.

The Rebels touched down on Hoth and have been using the local creatures to navigate the landscapes. Turns out Tauntauns make great horses in a pinch!

tauntaun 2

Your tauntaun’s natural speed and defense make them useful in a number of situations, of course, and this pack also contains three upgrade cards that give you the freedom to find a role for them that fits your particular battle plan.

What really makes a Tauntaun so valuable is its handling. It’s a living creature not powered by thrusters.  Because of this, it can turn on a dime in-game and moves a whopping 3-speed. You’ll be able to navigate the harsh environments of snowy/desert games and weave through the hazards of battle.

Because these guys are so fast, they’ll probably be in the fight before the rest of your force is. However, you can gear them up to jam enemy communications or relay orders to the rest of your men who might be dug in behind cover. All in all, the Tauntaun is looking to be a strong support choice for the Rebels. Especially because of their superior handling/turning abilities.

Look for this expansion in the second quarter of 2019!

Rebel Veterans Expansion

rebel veterans

Many of those who fight for the Rebel Alliance have little actual military experience, joining up based on their hatred of the Empire alone. Others, however, have honed their instincts in the trenches, enduring countless hopeless battles on desolate worlds in the name of the Alliance. 

This expansion comes with seven total minis including a Mk II Medium Blaster Trooper (that can be deployed as a detachment), two unit cards, a handful of upgrades, and the tokens you’ll need to play.

The real strength of Veterans comes in the form of diversity. They are all armed with the standard issue A-280 blasters that most other Rebels carry. However, you can give them different upgrades to fit the bill of whatever kind of role you need to be filled. In addition, you can actually have the heavy weapon from the team deploy as a separate detachment. Once the game starts, he’s able to operate on his own and support whoever needs it.

legion veteran

They can also lend a hand to other heavy-hitters on the team.

 For example, they can easily coordinate with a nearby emplacement trooper unit like a 1.4 FD Laser Cannon Team to ensure that everyone is ready to return fire.

Get this expansion in the second quarter of 2019!

What are your thoughts on the support the Rebels are getting? Will you be picking up multiple packs of these expansions? What will the Empire strike back with? (pun intended). Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.