Welcome to the Tabletop, Star Wars Legion!

By Rob Baer | February 15th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Legion

star wars legion vs warhammer 40k

Everyone is buzzing this week about all the Star Wars Legion previews going around the internet. Here’s a picture to give you an idea of their overall scale compared to miniatures you may know a bit better already.

While the new Star Wars Legion minis are for sure bigger than their Imperial Assault counterparts, they seem to match up well with the current scale of Warhammer 40k whether you call it 28mm heroic of just plain 32mm. Some folks have even hypothesized that the Legion minis are 1/48th scale and compatible with Bandai’s model kits.

What do you think about the new game’s scale?

Check out all our write-ups on the new Star Wars Legion game or watch our YouTube playlist for more!