So The Emperor Want’s Style, Eh? X-Wing Repaint

By Joshua Dunkerly | October 1st, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Mods & Repaints, X-Wing 2.0


When the emperor wants new ships and only the best will do, the emperor sends his best to work!! Check out this great conversion of one hot ride!!

Checkout one aweswome model brought to us by hobbiholic Albert Cooper.

Emperor's New Ride

Emperor's New Ride

Emperor's New Ride

Emperor's New Ride

Emperor's New Ride

“We got a little battered in the storm sir, but I think we’re good!!”

If you click on the Army of One link you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once.

Army of One Galleries

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits? We want those pics!

Hungry for more Conversions, and Hobby Showcases? Checkout our Playlist below!