A Dangerous Game: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | September 27th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Dr. Aphra

Dr. Aphra is known to play it close to the cuff when it comes to the Villain High Command, and Snoke is no different. Will she regret teaming up with him?

Dr. Aphra

Doctor Aphra is a danger magnet, and she likes to keep the bad guys on her side. Dr. Aphra is commonly seen in a lot of lists lately, and its not hard to see why. Her passive abilities are great for getting more options in your hand and on the table.

Giving the first droid you play each round a 1 point discount can gain a huge Support advantage, and drawing cards is a fantastic ability. Aphra has to deal indirect damage to herself in order to draw a card, but this still is a great ability to have.


Snoke is the top Villain in the Destiny scene right now. His Power Action is incredible: deal 1 damage to another one of your characters to resolve one of its character dice, increasing its value by 2. This can be used on Aphra to deal 4 indirect damage to an opponent or even deal 4 ranged damage for a resource.

But Aphra is a valuable character to use this ability often, so it’s nice to have a cheaper character around. Battle Droid

The Battle Droid is a cheap and effective character to have around, especially with Snoke’s Power Action. 3 ranged or 3 indirect damage can be thrown from the humble Battle Droid’s character die and it will be undesirable for your opponent to spend his character dice to defeat him, so he should be able to deal damage unhindered.

Climate Disruption Array

To keep the pressure on your opponent, use a Climate Disruption Array. For 2 resource, this Support can be used to deal 2 indirect damage to each player, starting with you. This can be used to add up some serious damage on your opponent, but can also be used to draw cards into your hand with Aphra’s ability.

Hailfire Droid Tank

The key reason for bringing Aphra and your Battle Droid is to be able to play this beast. The Hailfire Droid Tank is a massive damage boost to your team and can be played for 3 resources with Aphra. 2 ranged, 3 ranged for a resource, 2 indirect, 3 indirect, 2 disrupt, and 1 shield make this droid effective no matter what he rolls.

The Hailfire Tank also has the nifty ability to be able to activate a droid, including itself, as soon as you play it. Get your droid team ready with Aphra and Snoke!

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