A Younger, Better Han? Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | August 23rd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


Han is much younger this time around in Destiny, and he isn’t picking sides just yet. This new Yellow neutral Hotshot will side with the Empire!

A Younger, Better Han? Star Wars Destiny

A Younger, Better Han? Star Wars Destiny

Han Solo, the young Hotshot, is a new neutral Yellow character that can add much versatility in Destiny. At a respectable 11 heath and 11 points, Han can fit nicely in almost any deck you choose, whether its Villain or Hero.

Han sticks to his guns with 2 ranged, 2 ranged, 1 discard, 1 resource, and a special ability on his character die. His special ability lets you deal 2 indirect damage to an opponent. It also comes with an ability based on which cards are in your deck: you may reveal a Villain card in your hand to force an opponent to lose a resource or reveal a Hero card to gain 1 resource. No bad for a Scoundrel!

Iden Versio Inferno Squad Commander

We are taking Han to the Villain side by teaming him up with Iden Versio. Inferno Leader herself, she is a force to be reckoned with, having 12 health and costing 12 points. Much like Han, she prefers to gun her enemies down with 2 ranged, 2 ranged, 2 focus, 1 discard, and 1 resource.

Iden also has a passive ability that prevents your opponent from taking further actions if her character dice are in your pool. This tactic can hold your opponent hostage until her dice are removed or spent, forcing their hand.

Black Sun Blaster Pistol

A nice new weapon upgrade for Han is the Black Sun Blaster Pistol. This 3 cost, Yellow Neutral weapon is interesting in that only 1 side shows 2 ranged damage, while the other sides show 1 discard, 1 resource, and 2 special ability sides.

The special ability deals 2 indirect damage to an opponent and then deals 1 damage to a character. This pistol is sneaky in that many of the sides cannot be removed by card effects that specifically target damage symbols (ranged, melee, indirect) but can still pack a punch.

Underhanded Tactics

A nice ability upgrade to add to this deck is Underhanded Tactics. This super cheap upgrade can take Han to crazy indirect damage dealing levels with its special ability combined with his. Han’s special ability deals 2 indirect damage, and if Underhanded Tactics also has its special ability side showing, you can resolve it as well to deal 1 more indirect damage and resolve another one of your dice.

That’s some expert level action chaining while Iden can hold down your opponent’s actions! Indifferent

To go with the neutral theme, Han can choose to be Indifferent. This 1 cost Yellow Event allows you to spot a neutral character to remove a die. This is a powerful effect for simply spotting a neutral character and can remove any die that you see fit for Indifference.

Han is teaming up with the Villains this time around. Will he come out on top?

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