Ambitious Piett: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | August 2nd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Freshly promoted, Admiral Piett has a lot to prove in Star Wars Destiny. His tactics will prove most devious indeed for the military minded.

The Ambitious Admiral, Firmus Piett, has been given command in Star Wars Destiny. This Red Villain can help coordinate attacks with vehicles and non-unique characters. First, his character dice favors indirect damage with 2 sides showing 2 indirect, 1 focus, 1 shields, and 1 resource.

His passive ability enables after you activate him; you may turn any number of your vehicle or non-unique character dice to sides showing a value of 1. This can help your Stormtroopers and TIE Fighters be more accurate in their barrage against the Heroes. 

A Veteran Stormtrooper is a perfect escort to Piett. With a solid 1 ranged, 2 raged, 3 indirect, and 1 resource character die, this non-unique can benefit greatly from the Admiral’s guidance. Use his ability to make those blanks become 1 resource or 1 ranged, depending on what you need most from your troops! 

What would the Empire be without TIE Fighter support? This 2 resource support vehicle comes with Ambush and can help you gain swarm tactics by being able to have 4 copies of this support in your deck.

Also, after you play TIE Fighter, search your deck for a copy of it, reveal it, and add it to your hand. Get your TIEs together, and have Admiral Piett change their dice to either a 1 damage or 1 disrupt with his ability. It all adds up!

A first ever in Destiny, the Triple Laser Turret is an upgrade that you may equip to support vehicles! For 2 resources, you may equip this to your TIE Fighter, and while its die is in your pool, the attached vehicle’s dice cannot be removed. With 3 ranged, 3 ranged for a resource, +2 ranged, 2 indirect, and 1 shield this upgrade can keep the pressure up on the Rebels. Admiral Piett is set to outflank the Heroes in Destiny. Will you follow him?

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