Ancient Teachings: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | May 31st, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

yoda 3

There is much to learn in the ways of the Force and Ezra Bridger is ready to learn what Jedi Master Yoda can teach him in Star Wars Destiny!

Its time for Ezra Bridger to receive some ancient teachings in this Destiny Heroes deck. This deck starts off with an elite Ezra, follows up with an elite Yoda, and finishes off with  Rookie Pilot. Ezra opens up Yellow options and has a nifty special ability. 1 ranged, +2 ranged, 1 disrupt, 1 resource, and a special ability make up his die.

He has a passive ability to be able to play Blue upgrades on him without restriction and this can help take some heat off of Yoda. Being able to steal 1 resource from an opponent may not look like much, but it can prevent some serious power plays from your opponent. 

The wise and ancient master Yoda is here to lend his expertise. 2 focus is nuts for fixing your dice, and his 1 disrupt, 1 discard, and 1 shield add utility to your other characters. His double special ability sides make it so that Yoda always rolls something useful. Being able to choose 2 options for his special makes him invaluable for the Heroes.

His special ability basically makes it so that you can perform any of the other actions on his die, right when you need them. 

The Rookie Pilot helps out where he can, but is still just a Rookie. His two +2 ranged sides can help Ezra out and 1 shield and 1 resource can help out in a pinch. The Rookie Pilot has other uses though, and can become a great asset.

Equipping a Holdout Blaster to your Rookie Pilot can get his die into your pool fast and can be used later with Redeploy. If you face an opponent with indirect damage, you can pick Rookie Pilot to take the damage, knowing that your Redeploy will have your back.

Since you have a Rookie Pilot,  its best to use Caution. This Blue Event allows you to remove one of your character dice to give another character 3 shields. Since the Rookie Pilot can end up missing more often than not, make his die more useful.

A powerful Blue ability that can go on either Yoda or Ezra is Force Wave. This ability can be somewhat unfocused but can be very powerful for damage chaining. 2 indirect, 2 indirect, 1 resource and 2 special ability sides make this die deceptively strong.

The special ability can be used together with either Ezra or Yoda’s and deals 3 damage to a character, then 2 damage to another character, and then 1 damage to another. If you end up facing an opponent that has already lost a character, that damage can spill over to your characters. But the Rookie Pilot can take the hits for you. And with his Redeploy Holdout Blaster, has utility even in death.

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