Arc Dodgy Star Viper: X-Wing Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | August 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

With this new StarViper build, you will be arc dodging like all the Imperial Aces, without the regulations. Come to the Scum side, we have Illicit goods! Dalan Oberos is the next Scum Ace that can arc dodge like the best of them! His ability to switch uo his maneuvers on the fly is truly a sneaky way to end up in the right place at the right time! Let’s start off with titles.StarViper Mk. II is a great way to keep your points down, increase his dodginess, and open up more slots for upgrades. Being able to barrel roll using a 1 bank makes him especially slippery. Since we can equip it, let’s go for Virago as well.Virago gives us the option to add System and Illicit upgrades, but Dalan Oberos is going to want Advanced Sensors to boost his trickiness.
Being able to perform a 1 bank barrel roll or even a boost before he performs a maneuver, and then turns that maneuver into a Tallon Roll maneuver can make him expertly tricky to pin down. You will be able to outmaneuver any foe that you encounter. Veteran Instincts can bumphis pilot skill up to a respectable 8. The key to arc dodging is to be able to wait for your enemy to manuever first, then counter his positioning with your superior maneuverability. This can spell doom for an opponent that has low pilot skill ships as you will be able to dodge their firing arcs whilst you set up range 1 shots that can decimate his ships. Since you will be out of firing arcs, and turret ships are on the rise again, Autothrusters is a good option to have to boost your defenses. Dalan Oberos will truly be a Scum Ace if he is equipped in just the right way: the Scum way!

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