Aurra’s Guns For Hire: Star Wars Destiny

Aurra Sing and Mother Talzin have teamed up for some fearsome ranged combat madness in a Star Wars Destiny guns for hire build

Aurra SIng is a powerful, ranged-focused Villain that sometimes has a hard time partnering up at 18 points Elite. With 3 sides to her character dice featuring ranged attack, she is nearly single-minded in her damage output. She has disrupt and resource sides, but her main focus is taking out enemies quickly. This is further emphasized by her character ability to discard a card from your hand to increase its die value by 1.  A perfect companion to her fits nicely as an Elite as well: Mother Talzin.

Being ranged-focused herself, Mother Talzin compliments Aurra Sing well. Her focus and discard sides can aid Aurra by being consistent with ranged damage and force discards on your opponent. Her ability to reveal the top card of a deck can work as a pseudo focus, given that the revealed card is odd in its cost. This can be more consistent in your deck by including only odd costed cards. 

Temptation is a nice upgrade choice for Mother Talzin. Its special ability being the main focus, it gives your opponent 2 choices: draw 2 cards and you gain 2 resources, or allow you to draw 2 cards. Either way its a tough choice for your opponent. If they choose to draw cards, you can punish them by Lying in Wait.

Since Aurra will be focused on discarding cards from her hand to boost her character dice, you may often find yourself with less cards than your opponent. Lying in Wait is a 1 cost Event that can force your opponent to discard cards in their hand down to the number of cards you have in your hand. This can punish them after that had just selected to draw cards from Temptation!

To further put pressure on your opponent, use Extortion. This 1 cost upgrade boosts your resource and discard sides on Aurra and Talzin’s character dice, but also has a sneaky special ability. Choose an opponent and if you have more dice showing ranged damage, you may take 1 resource from them. Since Aurra and Talzin are all in on the ranged damage, more often than not you will be able to grab a resource. 

To further punish your opponent, you must Subdue them! This 1 cost Event (notice a theme yet) allows you to choose a character that has 3 or more damage on it, and then remove one of its character or upgrade dice. Since you will be forcing a mssive amount of damage on your opponent, this can add up in a hurry. Use Aurra Sing’s ranged prowess and the mystical dark magicks of Mother Talzin to take on the Heroes in Star Wars Destiny!

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