Baffling Bomber: X-Wing 2.0 Ship Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Tomax Bren

Tomax Bren is back in X-Wing 2.0 to show that he can run with the Aces in the Empire. This bomber will be engaging at close range!

Tomax Bren

Tomax Bren is kicking it into high gear as a TIE Bomber Ace in X-Wing 2.0. With the ability to regenerate elite upgrades that have charges, Tomax will be able to score quite a few hits. After he performs a reload action, Tomax can recover 1 charge token on 1 of his equipped elite upgrades. This allows him to use critical one-time-use upgrades again and again.

His Nimble Bomber ability will also serve him well, serving up bombs to detonate at the precise time and perfect location by being able to use the 1 turn when dropping a device. 
Crack Shot

For the best results with his ability, Crack Shot can help him hit with his attacks. While Tomax performs an attack in his bulls-eye firing arc, he may spend 1 charge to cancel 1 evade result in the defender’s dice pool. This will help his attacks stick, and he can use it more than once whenever he performs a reload action.

This will combo well with a munition upgrade that also improves his offensive output.

Barrage Rockets

Barrage Rockets is a nice upgrade for Tomax and his Crack Shot. As a 3 dice attack at range 2-3, this can be improved further if you attack from your bulls-eye firing arc. Needing a focus token and 1 charge to fire, Barrage Rockets allow you to spend additional charges to re-roll attack dice in your bulls-eye arc.

With 5 charges, this will get some decent use, and Tomax can reload to refuel Barrage Rocket charges and his Crack Shot!

Electronic Battle

One drawback to all this is the fact that Tomax Bren’s reload action is red, making him take a stress token in the process. This can be negated with Electronic Baffle. During the end phase, you may suffer 1 damage to remove 1 red token. This will work best after Tomax has fully depleted his Barrage Rockets and Crack Shot, and can help him set up a nice next turn, able to bring all his weapons and upgrades to bear.

His healthy 6 hull will barely feel the cost of Electronic Baffle, but don’t use it too often!

Proton Bombs

To bring it all together, Tomax Bren can equip some Proton Bombs to further attack his enemies. Use his Nimble Bomber ability to launch a Proton Bomb right at the enemy formation, and single out any ships that try and break off to avoid taking a crit.

This upgrade has charges as well, so it gives Tomax another chance to reload his devices and Crack Shot for more chances of destruction in X-Wing 2.0!

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