Bib’s Fortune: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | June 8th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


Bib Fortuna may be Jabba’s right hand Twi’lek, but he has ambitions of his own. See what he can do in Star Wars Destiny!

bib fortuna majordomo

The Majordomo himself, Bib Fortuna is an interesting supporting character for the Villains in Destiny. Featuring no damage potential of his own, his strength lies in allowing your other characters to be activated more than once.

His character die has 1 focus, 1 disrupt, 1 resource, and 2 special ability sides. These special ability sides allow you to roll a character die on one of your other characters into your pool. This allows you to spend a character die, it returns to its card, and then use the Bib special to roll them back again. Get more mileage from your character dice.

rebel traitor

With an elite Bib Fortuna you can fit 2 Rebel Traitors in this deck. These 8 health Yellow Villains have 1 indirect, 2 indirect, 1 disrupt, 1 shield, and 1 resource. But their secret tech lies in their passive ability. After you activate Rebel Traitor, you may force an opponent to activate one of their characters as their next action this round.

This can be advantageous by forcing them to activate characters that have no upgrades on them so that they won’t be able to roll them into their dice pool. This can be combo-ed with another card for the Villains. in pursuit

In Pursuit is a 0 cost Yellow Event that you can use after an opponent activated one or more of their characters during their last turn this round. You may activate any number of your characters in the order of your choice.

This can work by activating a rebel Traitor, forcing an opponent to activate a character, and then using In Pursuit to activate your other Rebel Traitor (forcing them to activate another character) and then Bib Fortuna. This can have all your most powerful characters activated with their in the pool with no upgrades. Sinister!

gang up

Since you are sporting 3 Yellow Villains, why not use Gang Up? This 3 cost upgrade comes with indirect, focus, disrupt, and shield sides and the best part is that its value is equal to the number of Yellow characters you have in play.

This can give you 3 focus, 3 indirect, 3 shields; whatever you need to take down the Heroes in Star Wars Destiny!

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