Big Jabba’s House: Playing The Hut In X-Wing Now!

By Barclay Montgomery | May 10th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

The most notorious crime lord and gangster makes his much awaited debut in Star Wars X-Wing! Jabba the Hutt is a new crew card that was just revealed! 

Jabba is a 5 point crew member that takes up 2 slots, so the only ship for Scum currently that can handlehis massive bulk is a YV-666. More than likely people will run him in the Trandoshan Slaver since is has the discount price of 29 points. Jabba is a huge boost to your scummy squads because he basically gives every Illicit upgrade Extra Munitions!

Whenever Jabba is in your squad, you may place 1 Illicit token on each Illicit upgrade you have, but whenever you must discard an Illicit to use it, discard the token instead. It’s a great way to get double the mileage of your Illicits! Z-95 swarms will be able to get 2 shots out of their firing arcs with Hotshot Blasters. Firing arcs be damned!

Drugs are good once you take Glitterstim! Now you can really get your fix by getting 2 hits for the price of one. Glitterstim is a very powerful card, and the fact that you can use it twice makes your ships super durable and almost impervious to pain. Getting to modify every die you throw that has a focus on it is insane! 

Inertial Dampeners is a nifty way of avoiding firing arcs, or staying put when the enemy halts in front of you at Range 1. Being able to be unpredictable en your maneuvers is an important part of successful X-Wing play, and this card allows you to do that twice with the help of Jabba!

Jabba will get you your money’s worth with your Illicit upgrades. What other combinations of upgrades will we see on the latest wave of Scums hips? I’m sure Jabba has a few plans!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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