Blue Champions of the Force: SW Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | September 8th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

New Blue Hero cards have just been previewed for the latest expansion of Star Wars Destiny. Some of your favorites from Rebels will be included!

Ashoka Tano, Force Operative, arrives in the Empire at War expansion for Star Wars Destiny and she is ready to kick butt! With 2 sides featuring 2 melee, 1 discard, 1 shield, and 1 resource, her well rounded die can be amazing. Her ability is also top notch. After you activate Ashoka, you may spend resources equal to the number of dice you rolled to ready her. This can allow her to deal more and more damage or gain resources by activating twice a turn! Shoto Lightsaber is a new Blue weapon featured in this preview. Ashoka’s signature weapons, this lightsaber gains a bonus if you have another blue weapon equipped to attached character. Double up on Shoto Lightsabers and you can activate their ability to give 1 shield to a character or remove 1 shield from a character. The melee sides boost Ashoko’s own character dice, and add in more utility with a shield and resource side. Since you will be wanting to pull multiple Blue weapons for Ashoka, why not use Lightsaber Pull? This 0 cost event allows you to spot a Blue character to search your deck for a Blue weapon, reveal it, and add it to your hand. It also has the added side benefit of being able to allow you to shuffle your deck, as it can help you out if you have a bad hand. Kanan Jarrus, Rebel Jedi, is here to support the Hero cause! His die features a lot of utility with 1 ranged, 2 melee, 1 focus, 1 disrupt, and 1 resource. Pretty much anything you need, Kanan can roll. He also has an interesting ability tat allows you to resolve his die, before you take an action. This is a nice way to sneak in more action economy, and can pair perfectly with Force Speed for amazingly fast turns!If you are facing insanely good rolls from your enemies, just be At Peace with them. This 2 cost event allows you to turn each die that has one or more blank sides on it to its blank side. Having an entire play area full of blank dice is enough to make one feel At Peace again. A good way to dodge incoming damage! Training Remote is an interesting 1 cost support hat acts much like Lure of Power. This support’s dice features only modifier sides, but they can be used to modify any symbol on one of your Blue character dice. Kanan would love to resolve his focus side with Training Remote to add modifiers, and all before taking an action!

The Heroes are filling their ranks with Champions of the Jedi Order. Will the Villains be able to thwart the Rebels this time?

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