Bounteous Jabba: Star Wars Destiny Deck

By Barclay Montgomery | January 25th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


Jabba the Hutt is putting out bounties and death marks on those that interfere with his crime business in Star Wars Destiny!

Jabba the Hutt

Intergalactic crime lord Jabba the Hutt is back for a third time in Destiny. This new version will add a new element to the game, being able to draw bounty cards! More on these a little later. Jabba is packing his usual supportive character dice, featuring 2 focus, 1 disrupt, 1 discard, 1 resource, and +2 resource. After you activate Jabba, you may look at the top 4 cards of your deck, reveal a bounty or yellow event, and add it to your hand. What this does is make your deck more consistent, and adds a new type of card to your hand that can negatively affect your opponent’s characters! Death Mark

Bounty cards are a new type of downgrade that you can add to your enemy’s characters. Death Mark is a 0 cost bounty that makes it so that after an enemy character is defeated, you are able to draw 3 cards. This can add to your dice mitigation potential, give you nice upgrades, or answers for your opponent’s dice.


Another bounty to add to your Jabba deck is Wanted. This downgrade bounty makes it so that after the attached character is defeated, you may gain 2 resources. These downgrades can add an element of panic to your opponent as you select his key characters for these bounties. This will give you even more incentive to target his characters for defeat. Threaten

Jabba’s activation ability also allows you to draw and potentially select Yellow event cards, and what better one to use than Threaten. This 1 cost card acts as dice mitigation and damage dealer all in one. Spot a Yellow character to remove an opponent’s character die unless they deal damage to that character equal to the value showing on that die. This can deal big damage if you choose a die that has a large value, and can bring you that much closer to collecting those bounties!

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