Bringing Up the Rear: X-Wing 2.0 Decimator Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Rear Admiral Chiraneau

Rear Admiral Chiraneau is bringing some more pain for the foes of the Empire to X-Wing 2.0! This beast becomes more effective as he takes damage.Rear Admiral Chiraneau

Rear Admiral Chiraneau is bringing his Decimator to the tabletop in X-Wing 2.0. This large based Imperial ship has got it all, and then some! With 12 hull and 4 shields, this ship is a beast to take down. It’s 0 agility can be problematic, but if you are getting some attacks off with his turret, you should be able to take the fight to your enemies before Chiraneau goes down. His ability coincides with his reinforce actions, gaining combat advantages depending on which zone he reinforced and  attacked from. While Chiraneau performs an attack, if the defender is in the matching zone of your reinforce token (forward or rear) you may change 1 focus result into a critical. Minister Tua

Since Chiraneau benefits from having a reinforce token on him, Minister Tua can really help out. At the start of the Engagement Phase, Minister Tua allows you to perform a red reinforce action if you are damaged. This can help Chiraneau get those critical reinforce tokens, without using his only action to get them. His agility of 0 will make sure that you at least will be somewhat damaged before you get into the thick of the fighting to gain access to those reinforce tokens.

Perceptive Copilot

Chiraneau will want to have plentiful tokens for combat, and a Perceptive Copilot will help greatly. After you perform a focus action, you gain an additional focus token. This can help out with dual attacks, or with attacking and defending. But with another crew member, you can get some serious damage rolling. Veteran Turret Gunner

Veteran Turret Gunner will help Chiraneau get the maximum effectiveness out of his turret attacks. After you perform a primary attack, you may perform a bonus turret attack using a turret arc you did not already attack from this round. This can help if you have targets in both of your turret arcs, and can really benefit from a double focus and a reinforce token. Make your enemies for death with Rear Admiral Chiraneau in X-Wing 2.0!

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