Comfortably Nunb: X-Wing T-70 Build

By Barclay Montgomery | February 28th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Always cool in the pilot seat, Nien Nunb is ready to face the Empire with some new tactics and tech. Come and check out this T-70 build for the Rebellion!

Nien Nunb, everyone’s favorite co-pilot, is in his own T-70 this time around. At Pilot Skill 7 and with a nifty pilot ability, we can equip him with the upgrades that will really make him shine. Whenever he receives a stress token, if an enemy ship is inside his firing arc at range 1, he may discard that stress token, This can be a nifty way to get some action chaining going with the right set up.

PS 7 is just the right sweet spot for Veteran Instincts. This will bump Nien Numb up to PS 9 and will allow him to take full advantage of his pilot ability. Going potentially last in an activation round can set him up for some big hits!

The Flight Assist Astromech (FAA) is a 1 point Astromech that can help Nien reach new heights. After you execute a maneuver, if you did not overlap a ship or obstacle, and there are no enemy ships inside your firing arc, you may perform a free boost or barrel roll action. This can help keep Nien on target and can potentially help him get closer to your enemies, hoping to get into the sweet spot of Range 1.

Pattern Analyzer can make Nien even more dangerous as it can allow him to Tallon Roll, or perform a Koirogan turn, then perform his free boost or barrel roll with FAA, and then hopefully get into Range 1 of your enemy and never take a stress token. You would remove it whenever he receives it and then is set up for a Range 1 shot on an enemy! Nice flying Nien Nunb!

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