Feel the Force again with the Reluctant Instructor: Luke Skywalker! He can show you your true hidden potential again in Star Wars Destiny!
It seems like it is Luke’s turn to be the mysterious old hermit in Star Wars Destiny. At first glance Luke looks like he has no way to defend himself with more that half of his dice showing shields, but he has a passive ability that allows him to resolve his shields sides as melee damage. This is a great way to counter dice removal that specifically targets dice with damage sides showing. 1 focus, 1 shield, 2 shield, 2 shield, and 1 resource make Luke to be a formidably defensive character, ready to strike when the time is right. Luke comes with a Power Action that allows him to move a Blue ability from him to another Blue character. A nice way to pass off his knowledge before he is defeated.
Since Luke has forsaken the use of a Lightsaber, Luke’s Lightning Rod will have to make do as his melee weapon of choice. This 2 cost upgrade can make for some tricksy traps with its passive ability that mirrors Luke’s ability. While this upgrade is equipped to Luke Skywalker, you may resolve the melee sides of this die as if the were shields. With 1 melee, 2 melee, 2 melee, 1 shield,and 1 resource, Luke will have no shortage of offensive defense options.
A brand new plot card will make things more interesting for your unique upgrades. For 4 of your character points, Built to Last gives each of your unique upgrades the Redeploy keyword. Luke’s Lightsaber and Luke’s Lightning Rod become that much more powerful being able to be used on other characters with Redeploy. Built to Last also has a side benefit of gaining you a resource after you play a unique upgrade and exhausting Built to Last. Use your knowledge of the Force for the ultimate defensive offense! .