Droid Dive Bomber: X-Wing 2.0 Squad Build

By Barclay Montgomery | April 18th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


The Vulture droids are swarming, and this time they have a bomber in their squadron. Enter the Hyena droid and learn its tactics. It may save your life!

Dive bombing into the battles of X-Wing 2.0, the Bombardment Drone is a new sinister Separatist fighter. This droid fighter is ready to drop or even launch bombs into the heart of enemy formations.

Bombardment Drone

The Bombardment Drone has an ability that allows it to launch a device, instead of dropping it, adding another level of flexibility to droid pilots. The Bombardment Drone also has Networked Calculations, allowing it to take advantage of a Vulture-class wingman droid!
Trajectory Simulator

Launching a bomb using the 1 speed may seem problematic, so equip a Trajectory Simulator to give you some extra distance. This sensor upgrade allows you to launch bombs using the 5 straight template, giving your Bombardment Drone ample time to escape its own bomb detonation. Placing a bomb right in the enemy flying formation is the key tactic for this droid bomber.

Proton Bombs

Proton Bombs is the perfect device to throw at your enemies. With 2 charges, you can drop, or launch, this device into your enemies and watch them try and scramble away before its too late! Dropping this bomb will give anyone caught in the blast radius critical damage, so make them count! Had chili Prototype

Providing bomber escort to your Bombardment Drone is the Haor Chall Prototype. This Vulture-class droid shares Networked Calculations with the Hyena Class droid, and can help them in their attacks and defenses. While the Vulture droid defends or performs an attack, you may spend 1 calculate token from a friendly ship at range 0-1 to change 1 focus result to a hit or evade.

This goes vice-versa with the Hyena class droid, and can help them bring down their foes together!

More Star Wars Tactics

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.