Engage At Close Range: X-Wing 2.0 Ship Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


This Y-Wing will be getting up close and personal in X-Wing 2.0, ready to engage those Imperial Aces at point-blank range!

Norra Wexley

This sassy Y-wing pilot is bringing the turret pain to the Imperial Aces. Norra Wexley is a unique Y-Wing pilot that likes to get in close to her enemies, hence her pilot ability allowing her to add 1 evade to her defense roll if there is an enemy within range 0-1 of her. This can help her when she is engaging enemies at close range and would be a great way to get some turret style damage on your foes. Dorsal Turret

Dorsal Turret is an option that adds a 2 die attack and gives Norra a turret arc and the action ability to rotate it. Since its range is 1-2, it would be in her best interest to use this once she gets in close and can be used even if an enemy is out of her primary arc. Not a bad deal for an aggressive Y-Wing pilot like Norra!


With a turret, you need a great turret gunner, and Bistan is here to help out. This little guy adds the ability to perform an additional turret attack after performing a primary attack, as long as you have a focus token. This attack must target a different enemy from your primary attack, so no doubling up your attacks on one ship! This can help when Norra gets close and has another viable target in both her primary and turret arcs! Intimidation

Since Norra will like to get close to the enemy, bumps eventually will happen. Take advantage of those overlaps with the Intimidation elite upgrade. This makes it so that enemy ships that you are touching will have their agility reduced by 1. This is a great way to set your enemies up for follow up shots from your wing-mates and can help Norra take down those Imperial Aces.

R4 Astromech

Close range maneuvering can get tricky in a Y-Wing, so go with an R4 Astromech. This Astromech upgrade decreases the difficulty of your speed 1-2 basic maneuvers, allowing you to circle your opponent’s ships to get those turret arc shots off. If Norra gets close with her maneuver, bonus for her and her boost to her defenses. The Empire won’t see this Y-Wing coming, so get her on the tabletop!

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