Enter the Mining Guild: X-Wing 2.0 Ship Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

TIE Fighters

Get ready for a new Scum squad featuring TIE Fighters of the Mining Guild! These nimble new craft will be tricky to lock down.


The Scum faction has some new allies in the Mining Guild. These crusty pilots have a fleet of Modified TIE/LN Fighters that have a nifty ability to ignore asteroids while they move, using Notched Stabilizers. This frees up much of the battle-space once you start engaging the enemy. Ahhav is our first pilot up, and comes with the ability to add 1 die to your attack pool if you are attacking a ship of a larger size class. This is the perfect way to deal with those medium and large based ships that you may encounter, and can be made even more deadly with this next Elite upgrade. Trick Shot

Since the Mining Guild ships essentially can ignore asteroids, they can feel free to mingle as close as they want to them. Ahhav will benefit greatly from Trick Shot, which allows you to add an additional attack die if your attack is obstructed. If Ahhav manages to catch a large or medium ship and has an obstructed shot, Ahhav will be throwing 4 attack dice! Foreman Proach

Leading the Mining Guild squad is Foreman Proach. This initiative 4 pilot has the ability to add tractor tokens to ships. Before Proach engages, you may choose 1 enemy ship in your bulls-eye arc at range 1-2 and gain 1 disarm token to give that ship a tractor token. This could be used to drag an enemy ship into an asteroid or set them up for the perfect range 1 shot. Bonus if that ship happens to be a target for Ahhav!

Overseer Yushyn

The disarm token may be a problem for Foreman Proach, so Overseer Yushyn has him covered. Yushyn has an ability to spend 1 charge to allow a friendly ship at range 1 gain a stress token instead of a disarm token. This would allow Foreman Proach to get a shot off after using his ability to hand out a tractor token. Combined, these Mining Guild ships will be a menace to the Rebels and Empire in X-Wing 2.0!

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