Finn’s Time to Shine: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | January 11th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

New Heroes rise to meet the First Order and the evil forces in Star Wars Destiny. Come and see what new Finn has in store for Heroes!

Finn is back in the fray in Destiny and he has more Resistance support this time. As a Red character, Finn gets more firepower with 2 ranged, +2 ranged, 3 indirect, 1 resource, and 1 special ability. This special ability allows you to move 1 damage from a card to another card. This could be from one of your characters on to an opponent’s character or even 1 damage from a support. You’ll see what we mean a little later. 

Rose is a new character that fights for the Resistance as a Skilled Mechanic. She holds a more support oriented roll by having 2 indirect, 1 disrupt, 1 discard, and 2 special ability sides. This special ability gains you 1 resource and helps remove 1 damage from a support. This can work with Finn;s ability and the Resistance Bomber. 

The Resistance Bomber is a great support card with tons of indirect damage potential. But it is on a “ammunition” based economy whereas every time you resolve its die you must place 1 damage on it. If it reaches 3 damage, you must discard it. With Finn being able to move 1 damage from a card to another, he can be used to remove a damage from the Resistance Bomber so that you get more use out of its die. Rose can even help out by removing damage from the Bomber as well.

Suppression Field works in much the same way, but has die removal built in. As an action, you may exhaust Suppression Field to remove a die showing damage, but you must place 1 damage on it to do so. If it reaches 3 damage, you must discard it. Finn and Rose to the rescue! You can use their abilities to keep them going.

The Resistance is ready to support each other with their abilities. Use their synergies to keep them in the fight!

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