Flight of the First Order: X-Wing 2.0 Tie Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

First Order

The First Order is counting on their Special Forces TIE Fighters to finish off the Resistance. Will they be a match for Poe Dameron?Quickdraw

The First Order’s Special Forces fighter pilots are sinister in the extreme in X-Wing 2.0. To start off, Quickdraw is an incredible pilot with an initiative of 6. His pilot ability also makes your opponent think twice before engaging him, as Quickdraw can effectively perform an attack by spending a charge after he loses 1 shield. The TIE/sf Fighter also has an impressively stacked action bar with no red chained actions! You will be getting 2 actions per activation with no fear of receiving a stress token! Electronic Baffle

Your opponent may be reluctant to fire upon Quickdraw, so there are ways of activating his ability on your own. Electronic Baffle is a modification that allows you to suffer 1 damage in the End phase to remove 1 red token. Since this counts as losing a shield for Quickdraw (if he is still shielded) then he may spend 1 charge to perform an attack. Not a bad last attack in an activation.Special Forces Gunner

Quickdraw will need a Special Forces Gunner to make his attacks even more deadly. This gunner upgrade makes it so that when you perform a primary forward attack if your turret arc is in the front as well, roll 1 additional attack die. If you have your turret arc in your forward position and Quickdraw loses a shield from an enemy attack, he could perform 2 attacks with 3 attack dice each, 4 if you are in range 1! Backdraft

Backdraft is Quickdraw’s wing-man, and he can be equally deadly in a dogfight. With the TIE/ sf platform, you get a Heavy Weapon Turret, which allows you to fire your turret arc out of your rear arc. This allows the TIE/sf to have a firing turret arc much like the A-Wing. Backdraft prefers his rear arc, as he gets an additional attack die if firing on a target in his rear firing arc. Ion Missiles

A sinister tactic for Backdraft will be to use Ion Missiles. These 3 attack missiles can be fired at range 2-3, and result in the defender becoming ioned. Once the ship becomes ioned and has to perform a speed 1 straight maneuver, Backdraft can fly over his target and perform a 4 dice attack at range 1 using his rear firing arc!

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