Grand Moff Will Keep Star Wars Destiny In Line

By Barclay Montgomery | January 19th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Fear will keep the Heroes in line in Star Wars Destiny now that Grand Moff Tarkin has arrived! You may fire when ready with this new Villain.

Ever calculating and ready to sweep away the Rebels, Grand Moff Tarkin arrives in Destiny as a powerful Red Villain character. 2 indirect damage, 1 focus, 2 focus, 2 discard, and 1 resource make for a crafty tactician die and a powerful Power Action to make the most of your die rolls. His Power Action allows you to remove 2 of your dice showing the same symbol to deal 4 indirect damage to an opponent. This can help with your seemingly bad dice rolls as even 2 blanks can quickly become 4 indirect damage!

Captain Phasma is as ruthless as ever and joins Tarkin in his hunt for Rebel prey. Her ranged sides can dish damage out in a pinch and her focus has good synergy with Tarkin’s. Her special ability can come in handy once you start dishing out tons of indirect damage as it deals 2 damage to a character, or 3 damage instead if that character has 6 or more damage on it.

Captain Phasma’s Blaster adds more damage potential for her character dice an can be Redeployed if she is defeated before Tarkin. Adding more ranged dice can make Tarkin’s Power Action more effective and more likely to be pulled off.

Just like Tarkin, you will be Three Steps Ahead of your foes once you are able to take 3 additional actions in one turn! This can allow you to roll out both characters, and then use your Power Action to deal out 4 indirect damage all at once! Tactically superior!

If all else fails, Fragmentation Grenades are always a good bet. Use this super cheap upgrade to get synergy with Tarkin’s character dice and also high damage potential. Keep the pressure on your foes and they will burn down in no time against the might of the Empire.

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