Greedy Greedo: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | March 29th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

The Yellow Villains have some bounties to cash in, and Greedo can’t wait to get his hands on some Heroes. Roll your dice with these bad guys!

Greedo is the ultimate unlucky bounty hunter. With 2 blanks on his die, he seems to not be that great but he comes with an ability that can turn the tide of the battle. Greedo is all about going down gun blazing as his character die has 1 ranged, 2 ranged, and 2 indirect to blast away with. Before Greedo is defeated, roll any number of his character dice into your pool, then resolve any number of his character dice in the order of your choice. This means that we want Greedo to be able to activate quickly so that his dice are ready to be used for his ability. And at 7 health, Greedo will go down quick!

A great way to make sure that Greedo’s dice are reloaded, use Fast Hands. This upgrade will allow you to resolve one of his character dice after you activate him. This can make it so that you can activate Greedo first and hopefully resolve his other character die quickly to gain an edge from his companion Bib Fortuna.

Bib Fortuna is the ultimate Villain supporting character. 1 focus, 1 disrupt, 1 resource, and 2 special ability sides make sure that he will be aiding and abetting. His special ability will allow you to roll a character die on one of your other characters into your pool. This can be from a character that has not activated yet, or it can be from one of Greedo’s Fast Handed character dice. Nice!

To muck up your opponent’s plans, throw a Rebel Traitor into the mix. 1 indirect, 2 indirect, 1 disrupt, 1 shield, and 1 resource make for a well-rounded character die, but he also has an interesting ability. After you activate Rebel Traitor, you may force an opponent to activate one of their characters as their next action. This could be on one of their characters that have no upgrades on them to deny them using that upgrade die in this round.

Since you are going all Yellow, might as well Gang Up on the Heroes!

This die has a value equal to the number of Yellow characters you have, and most of the time for you this will be 3. 2 indirect sides, 1 focus, 1 disrupt, and 1 shield side can really help out your Villains as they close in on their Hero prey!

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