Gungan Reinforcements: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | August 31st, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


The Gungans have just received reinforcements in Destiny, and they are bringing some heavy firepower to bear against the Villains!

Boss Nass Bombastic Ruler

Big, bombastic Boss Nass is the perfect leader for the Gungan army. His passive ability makes your other Gungans dangerous even if they roll blanks on their dice. After you activate a Gungan, you may deal indirect damage to an opponent equal to the amount of character dice that just rolled a blank. His 2 indirect, 1 focus, 1 disrupt, and 1 resource can further support your fellow Gungans in the battles ahead.

Gungan Warrior

Gungan Warriors may not look like much individually, but they can be formidable en masse. 1 melee, 2 indirect, 1 shield, and 1 resource make a nice character die, with 2 blank sides that can count as indirect damage with Boss Nass. 6 health may seem pretty low, but with other upgrades and supports, they can handle themselves.

Gungan Offensive

Gungan Offensive is the perfect Red Event to add to this deck. For 2 resources, you may turn up to 3 of your Gungan or artillery dice to sides showing damage. This can further help your Gungan dice that rolled blanks earlier in the round to help deliver a powerful finish to an opponent’s character.

Gungan Catapult

To add more firepower to the Gungan arsenal, use a Gungan Catapult. This 4 cost support can deal out 2 ranged, 4 indirect, 6 indirect for 2 resources, or deal a massive 3 disrupt. It also comes with a nifty ability to reroll the Catapult die each time you activate a Gungan.

They have great synergy when they work together, and can prove to be a strong force against the Villains in Star Wars Destiny.

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