Gungans Attack: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | June 7th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


The big boss Gungan has emerged in Star Wars Destiny and he is ready to unite them against the Droid menace. Grab your boys together and fight as one! boss nass bombastic ruler

Da Big Bombad Boss Nass is ready to go to war with his fellow Gungan kin. A key component to many of the Gungan character dice is their double blanks, and this can be an advantage with Boss Nass’ passive ability. After you activate a Gungan, you may deal indirect damage to an opponent equal to the number of character dice that just rolled blanks.

This will make your blank dice even worthy of dealing out damage! His own character dice feature 2 indirect, 1 focus, 1 disrupt, and 1 resource. His passive ability is what will keep this team together. gungan warrior

The Gungan Warrior enters Destiny as a 6 point Red Hero with some damage potential. 1 melee, 2 indirect, 1 shields, and 1 resource make a well rounded die for a Gungan. His 2 blanks can be turned into indirect damage with Boss Nass and can get to bonkers levels with the hero outcast of the Gungans, Jar Jar Binks! jar jar binks clumsy outcast

Jar Jar BInks has an interesting built in ability to make it so that, after he is activated, re-roll all dice not showing a symbol on his character dice. This can force you to re-roll your Gungan and Boss Nass dice, and if they had already rolled blanks, and roll blanks again, that’s just more damage for your opponent to deal with. And as an added annoyance, your opponent’s dice are rerolled as well. With a regular Boss Nass, 2 Gungan Warriors, and Jar Jar as your team, you have a good chance to roll and re-roll those blanks that can eat away at your opponent’s life total. runaway boomas

Jar Jar’s signature weapon, Runaway Boomas, will add to the random damage bursting ability of the Gungan people. With 2 indirect, 2 indirect, 3 indirect, and 3 blanks, this support can be rather unpredictable in its rolls, but can still have blank damage potential with this next Event.dumb luck

Jar Jar was known for his Dumb Luck, and it can be to your advantage! For 1 resource, you may spot 1 Yellow character or Gungan and re-roll up to 5 of your dice. Then deal indirect damage to an opponent equal to the number of dice that just rolled a blank.

Now all of your dice have the potential to deal indirect damage on blanks! The randomness of the Gungans is an advantage that even the most seasoned battle commander will have no defense against!

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