Hutt Ties: Star Wars X-Wing

By Barclay Montgomery | January 4th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

The newest fighter for the Scum faction in Star Wars X-Wing is all thanks to the Hutts. Get ready for more scummy tactics with this crazy new ship.

The Kimogila fighter blasts into the X-Wing game with crazy new options for destruction. This ship has 6 hull and 2 shields and 3 primary attack. It also comes with a new feature: the bullseye firing arc. More on this a bit. The ship featured in this build is Torani Kulda. After you perform an attack each enemy ship inside your bullseye firing arc at range 1-3 must choose to suffer 1 damage or remove all of its focus and evade tokens. A great first ship to fire to disable your enemies.

The bullseye firing arc is a tiny arc inside the primary firing arc that is more accurate. When attacking a ship inside the bullseye, enemy ships cannot spend focus tokens or evade tokens. Bullseye indeed! 

To add insult to injury, the Enforcer title makes your bullseye firing arc even more dangerous. After defending, if the attacker is inside your bullseye arc, it receives 1 stress token. Torani Kulda can really punish his enemies by first stripping their tokens or forcing damage onto them and then adding stress. Let’s keep that pain train rolling.

R5-P8 is a great Unhinged Astromech to add to Torani Tulda. R5-P8 makes it so that after defending you may roll an attack die, and force the attacker to take 1 damage on a hit, or both you and you enemy taking a damage on a crit. Another great way to force damage onto your enemies.

This new ship has all the right stuff when it comes to messing with your opponent. Make the Hutts proud with their new investment.

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