A new team of Villains is ready to take it to the next level with a new way to deal damage to your foes. Come and see what the doctor has ordered this time!
Coming in hot from the hit comic series Vader, Doctor Aphra is a Yellow Villain card with quite a few tricks up her sleeves. She comes with a special ability that lowers the cost of the first droid you play each round by 1. This can set up some brutal combos in a hurry! She also has the ability to draw a card after she deals indirect damage to herself. What is indirect damage you say? Check this snippet from FFG.
Much like the special on the F-11D Rifle, Indirect Damage makes hard choices for your opponent a new reality. It may not seem like much, but that damage can pile up fast, especially if you team up Doctor Aphra with Darth Vader, Sith Lord!
With the elite version of Doctor Aphra, you can just fit the single die version of Darth Vader. This can make for a menacing team that will be brutally relentless in its assault. Since Doctor Aphra is quite the droid aficionado, BT-1 is the perfect companion for this Dark side duo.
Doctor Aphra can play BT-1 for 1 resource with her special ability, and what you get is one angry little Astromech droid. With 4 damage sides, this murderbot means serious business. His killing sprees can sometimes get out of hand however since he must deal 1 indirect damage to yourself and 1 opponent whenever he activates. But this is a good way to utilize Doctor Aphra’s ability to draw cards. Yay for synergy!
Since Doctor Aphra is ever resourceful, Delve is a great Event to get expensive cards out of your hand fast. For 3 resources, you may deal yourself 1 indirect damage to play a support or upgrade from your hand for free. Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced would be the perfect target for Delve, playing it for only 3 resources and 1 indirect damage. Not a bad way to start the day! Get ready for synergistic combos that will leave your enemies in the dust.