Jabba’s Best Friend: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | September 7th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


Jabba may be the most powerful crime lord in Destiny, but he can’t do it all without Bib Fortuna. Check out what these two can accomplish together!

jabba the hut

The biggest gangster in Destiny, Jabba the Hutt has a new way of operating his criminal under-empire. Jabba now is big on special ability sides on dice, as he himself has a special ability to be able to deal indirect damage to an opponent equal to the number of your dice showing a special ability side. 2 focus, 2 sides showing 1 resource, and 2 sides showing a special makes Jabba take a more subtle approach to a battle.

bib fortuna

Wherever Jabba is, his right hand Twi’lek Bib Fortuna is not far away. Bib Fortuna is also packing special ability sides to his character dice, and these enable you to get more mileage out of your other character dice. His special allows you to roll a character die on one of your other characters into your pool.This can allow you to get more mileage out of Jabba’s special by spending Jabba’s first, and then rolling his die back into your pool.con artist

Con Artist is a fantastic upgrade for the new Jabba. This 2 cost ability acts like a ticking time bomb. It’s special allows you to place 1 damage on Con Artist and then discard cards from the top of an opponent’s deck equal to the amount of damage on it. As you spend its special the discards get higher and higher. You can also use Jabba’s special to deal out indirect damage before you use Con Artist to deal indirect and mill your opponent’s deck.


Another great indirect damage engine for Jabba is Formidable. This 2 cost ability has a special  that allows you to deal 1 damage to a character  and if that damage was unblocked, you may move a weapon or equipment from that character to another one of your opponent’s characters. This is a great way to disrupt your opponents game plan. Jabba has some new tricks up his sleeves without having to get his hands dirty in Star Wars Destiny.

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