Jar Jar Binks Arrives to Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | February 9th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

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Everyone’s favorite Star Wars character has finally arrived for Destiny! Jar Jar Binks is here to do his best to make sure that he keeps his Heroes alive and well!

Legendary Sith Lord or bumbling idiot, either way Jar Jar is here to stay. This wacky Yellow Hero has interestingly irritating abilities that will dominate any game of Destiny that he is played in. First off, any player may take an action to activate Jar Jar, even your opponents! This can result in hilarious effect since after you activate Jar Jar, you are forced to reroll all dice showing a symbol not showing on Jar Jar’s die. 1 indirect, 1 disrupt, 1 discard, 1 shield, and 1 resource make for a diverse setup that will certainly force ranged and melee rerolls each time he is rolled in! Just like Jar Jar, we are getting crazy by making him elite!

Jar Jar will need leadership, so Saw Gerrera is crazy enough to pair up with. 2 indirect, 3 indirect, 1 disrupt, 1 resource and 1 special ability side make a die that is similar to Jar Jar, so hopefully, his rerolls won’t affect him much. His special ability discards a random card from a player’s hand, then deal indirect damage to an opponent equal to its cost. This can be set up by filling your deck with high-cost cards, or you could take your chances and mill your opponent and deal damage at the same time.

To finish off this squad, we have a Jedha Partisan. To add to the mill aspect of Saw Gerrera, Jedha Partisan has a character ability that comes into effect after you deal indirect damage to an opponent for the first time each round, you may discard the top card of a deck. Jedha Partisan features indirect damage of his own that synergizes with Saw and Jar Jar. 2 indirect, 2 indirect, 1 disrupt, 1 discard, and 1 resource make for a punishing die that can add up quick with our other characters. 

Since Jar Jar will definitely take heat wherever he is played, Diplomatic Protection will get him far. This 1 point upgrade makes it so that before the attached character is defeated, you may give each of your other characters 2 shields. This will add to the aggravating element of trying to take down Jar Jar as it will boost his allies!

To keep with the indirect theme, Runaway Boomas will be Jar Jar’s bread and butter. This 3 cost support can double up on itself with its power action. You may spend 1 resource to add another Runaway Boomas die into your pool. With 2, 2, and 3 for indirect, this will be great for Jedha Partisan and is less likely to get rerolled with Jar Jar in the mix!

Crazy antics and Force like precision have followed Jar Jar wherever he goes, Now it’s his time to shine in Star Wars Destiny!

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