Jedi Squad: Star Wars Destiny Deck

By Barclay Montgomery | March 2nd, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Plo Koon

Plo Koon is here to lead a squad of Jedi to victory in Star Wars Destiny. Join the light and face your fears as a synergistic team!

Plo Koon

Jedi Master Plo Koon is leading his squad of Jedi to victory in Star Wars Destiny. Plo Koon is a very wise master and it shows in his ability to have the same abilities of each non-unique character you have in play. This ability synergy can make an unassuming squad very powerful once they begin their defense. At the elite version, Plo Koon is at 14 points, so in order for this squad to work a Plot card can be used to bring down the squad cost. Jedi Acolyte

The Jedi Acolyte is a powerful card in its own right, but with Plo Koon, he really shines. Like Plo Koon, Jedi Acolyte has melee and focus sides, and before you resolve Jedi Acolyte’s die, you can increase its value by 1 if it is showing the same symbol as one of your other dice. With Plo Koon also having this ability, you dice will be stronger together. Jedi Instructor

To make this Jedi Squad work even better together, a Jedi Instructor will lend her aid. This character has a die to Plo Koon and the Jedi Acolyte, and her ability allows her to turn one of your character dice to a side showing the same symbol as this die. This can help you with Plo Koon, as he will also have this ability, and can give you a big melee damage round, or even a round with tons of focus on your dice. In a pinch, this can also give you a nice resource gaining round, but you will have to weather your opponent’s damage. Steadfast

Steadfast is a great way to help you spread the damage around to your characters. For 1 resource, this Blue event allows you to move 1 damage from 1 of your Blue characters to another character, or 2 damage instead if no cards are in your discard pile. This can help you keep your more key characters in the fight longer, like your Jedi Instructor. My Ally Is The Force

Always know that the Force is used for knowledge and defense, and the Blue event My Ally is the Force can mirror this teaching. This 2 cost event gives you ambush and allows you to resolve one of your Blue dice without removing it from your pool. This can give you powerful results on your dice as this can give you a quick 3 melee damage from Plo Koon die, without removing it from your pool. Then you could use your ambush to resolve all of your other melee dice, including Plo Koon’s to deliver swift defensive justice to the enemies of the Jedi!

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