Junkyard Extraordinaire: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | June 22nd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

unkar plutt

These junkyard dealers will have your opponent’s deck in the trash in no time. Use Unkar Plutt’s shady dealings to mill your opponent’s deck!

Unkar Plutt Junk Dealer

Get ready for the deck miller team that may lose you your friends in Star Wars Destiny. Unkar Plutt is perfect for messing with your opponent’s carefully laid plans. As an action, you may remove any number of your dice showing a combined value of 3 or more. Then discard a random card from an opponent’s hand and gain resources equal to its cost. This can help you rack up some serious resource while also getting rid of key cards in your opponent’s hand.

Nute Gunray Separatist Viceroy

Unkar has the mill. Nute Gunray has the resource control. This Red Villain has a passive ability that makes an opponent gain 1 fewer resource during their upkeep phase unless that opponent discards the top 2 cards of their deck. If they are hurting for resources, they may opt for the 2 card discard. Either way it’s not a good situation for them. Bazine Netal Master Manipulator

Bazine Netal rounds off your team with more utility. Having a disrupt and discard on her character dice is icing on the Unkar/Nute cake of resource and deck destruction. She also has a special ability that can deal 1 damage to a character or 3 damage instead if that character has no damage on it. Her 2 shield side can help you with Unkar’s die spending for discards.

Hound's Tooth

The workhorse of this deck is the Hound’s Tooth. This cheaply costed support can net you some big profits. 3 shields for a resource, and 4 resources for 2 resources is insane in this deck. The Hound’s Tooth can activate Unkar’s ability with one die!

Buy Out

After you have amassed a huge pile of resources, its time for a Buy Out. The finisher for this deck, Buy Out allows you to spend any amount of resources, then discard cards from the top of your opponent’s deck equal to the amount of resources you just spent. Since your opponent starts the game with 25 cards in his deck, coupled with your earlier milling from Unkar and Nute, you can make them burn through their deck in no time at all!

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