Leia & Han: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | October 5th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics


Leia and Han are together again to fight against the powerful Villain Snoke in Star Wars Destiny. Will their new alliance defeat the Supreme Leader?

Leia Organa

Leia, Heart of the Resistance, is ready to fight against the powerful Snoke in Destiny. With Han by her side, she will defeat him! With 2 focus, she can bring Han’s dice to whatever side is most needed, and her discard sides will have your opponent running out of options quickly.

Leia’s Power Action is even focused on removing cards from your opponent’s deck, albeit at the value of one of your character dice. Leia knows exactly where to hit Snoke where it hurts! Han Solo Independent Hotshot

Han, the Independent Hotshot, will be working hand in hand with Leia, bringing his character dice to bear. 2 sides of 2 ranged, 1 discard, 1 resource, and a special ability that can deal 2 indirect damage to an opponent, and you may then reveal a hero card from your hand to gain 1 resource.

Han can use his discard side to combine with Leia’s to stall your opponent’s actions, and his ranged damage can be used with powerful weapons.

Blaze of Glory

Once your opponent does get his dice rolling, you can go out in a Blaze of Glory. This 1 cost Red Event acts like a super Guardian ability: activate one of your characters, then remove any number of an opponent’s dice showing damage and deal damage to that character equal to the combined value of the removed dice.

This can be used on Han, who can keep Leia’s discard game going strong. This card works well with ranged upgrades too! CR-2 Heavy Blaster

CR-2 Heavy Blaster is a great weapon that Han can put to use. Boosting his ranged damage with 2 ranged and +3 ranged, Han can dish out some major pain. The best part about the CR-2 Heavy Blaster is its special ability: deal 2 damage to a character, or 4 damage if an opponent has no dice in their pool.

This can be used after you use Blaze of Glory, or it can force your opponent to activate characters in sub-optimal plays that can gain you an advantage. 

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