Mace is One Powerful Pilot: X-Wing 2.0 Ship Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Mace Windu

Mace Windu is piloting an Aethersprite starship and is pushing it to the limits. Use his powerful Force knowledge to overtake his enemies in X-Wing 2.0.

Mace Windu

Mace Windu is blasting off into the battles of X-Wing 2.0, and he is a fearsome pilot. At initiative 5, Mace will more often than not get to activate last in an activation round, waiting to pounce at the right moment. Mace is also rewarded for taking aggressive flying maneuvers as he recovers 1 Force charge after he fully executes a red maneuver. Those Force charges can be used to modify his dice, or to help perform additional actions with Fine-Tuned Controls, further increasing his maneuverability. Fortune favors the bold, and Mace is one bold pilot!


Since Mace will be going it alone and not act as a support ship, he can benefit from the Delta-7B title upgrade. This adds 1 to his primary attack, decreases agility by 1, and adds 2 shields. If you fly aggressively like Mace wants to do, the decrease in agility will not be as painful, especially with 2 extra shields. But Mace can benefit from a droid companion in his battles. R4-P17

R4-P17 is an Astromech upgrade that enhances Mace’s red maneuvers. After you fully execute a red maneuver, you may spend 1 charge on R4-P17 to perform an action, even if you are stressed. This goes hand in hand with Mace’s ability to gain a Force charge after executing a red maneuver, giving him even more action potential.

Spare Parts Canisters

His Astromech buddy can also help with a little defensive option, as well as with actions. A Spare Parts Canister upgrade allows for an action that spends 1 charge on it to recover a charge on one of your Astromech upgrades. You also have the option to perform an action that allows you to spend 1 charge to drop 1 spare parts obstacle, and break all locks on you. This is a nice little defensive package that can help shore up Mace’s decreased agility. Fly aggressively and you will secure victory with Mace Windu!

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