Mauler’s TIEs: Star Wars Destiny Deck Tech

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Mauler Mithel

Mauler Mithel is bringing the TIE Fighter swarm to the battlefields of Star Wars Destiny! Suit up and power on your Ion Engines.

Mauler Mithel

Mauler Mithel is leading his TIE Fighter squadron to victory in Star Wars Destiny. This 9 health Red character is ready for flight and has an aggressive character die. 1 ranged, +2 ranged, +2 ranged, add to your attack pool while his disrupt and resource side add to your action economy. Mauler also has an anti-vehicle based character ability. After you activate Mauler, you may remove one of your vehicle dice showing ranged damage to place that damage on a vehicle in play; then discard that vehicle if it has damage equal to its cost. This is the perfect counter to Hero vehicle support swarms!

Black Two

Mauler Mithel’s personal TIE Fighter, Black Two, adds even more utility to your squad. This 3 cost Red vehicle has some ranged damage sides that go fantastically well with Mauler’s character ability, especially since you increase the ranged damage showing on Black Two’s die if you spot Mauler. A fantastic TIE Fighter combo.TIE Pilot

Flying alongside Mauler are 2 TIE Pilots, ready to keep your ranged dice locked into your pool with their abilities to prevent your ranged dice from being removed. Their ranged modifier sides will help Mauler and Black Two deliver a massive blast of damage at just the right time, especially since your ranged dice cannot be removed.

TIE Fighter

To bring it all together, this deck needs TIE Fighters! With its inherent ability to add up to 4 copies of this support in your deck, you will definitely have a swarm in no time. Ambush is a nice touch whenever you play TIE Fighter for 2 resources, and you can search your deck for another copy of it to add it to your hand. All of these TIE Fighters will be ganging up on the Heroes, and Mauler Mithel will be providing air cover with his ability to shut down those Hero vehicles!

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