My Backpack’s Got Jets: Boba in X-Wing 2.0

By Barclay Montgomery | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Slave One Box Art

Boba Fett is back to collect on his debts and finally pay off his ‘Vette in X-Wing 2.0. This notorious bounty hunter has some new tricks!

swz16_boba-fett My Backpack's Got Jets: Boba in X-Wing 2.0

My Backpack’s Got Jets: Boba in X-Wing 2.0

The bounty hunter extraordinaire is back in X-Wing 2.0 with a newly kitted-out Firespray large ship. This new version is great since it comes with a built in boost in its action bar, and also gains a red reinforce action.

Reinforcing can be used for the fore or aft section of the Firespray and reduces incoming damage from the reinforced section by 1. Boba Fett will get the most mileage out of his boost since his pilot ability is about in-your-face action. While Boba defends or performs an attack, he may re-roll 1 die for each enemy ship at range 0-1. Get in close and get those re-rolls!Lone Wolf

Boba Fett prefers to work alone, so the Lone Wolf talent will give him an edge in battle. This upgrade has a reoccurring charge that allows you to spend 1 energy to re-roll 1 of your dice. While you are defending or performing an attack, of no other friendly ships are at range 0-2, you get your re-roll. This allows Boba to extend his abilities beyond the range 0-1 re-rolls. Slave I

Boba Fett can’t fly without his Slave-I title on his Firespray. This title allows for some dodgy maneuvers. After you reveal a turn or bank maneuver, you may gain 1 stress token to set your dial to a maneuver of  the same speed and bearing in the other direction. This can catch enemies off guard or correct Boba’s flight path when he himself gets outmaneuvered. The added torpedo slot is a nice added bonus that can further assist the bounty hunter in catching his prey. Ion Torpedoes

Ion Torpedoes will help Bob Fett corner his prey. As a locked attack, Boba may spend 1 energy to fire a 4 dice attack at range 2-3. If this attack hits, spend 1 hit or crit result to cause the defender to suffer 1 damage and all remaining hit/ crits inflict ion tokens. This can cripple even a large ship in one salvo and leave them drifting while Boba Fett closes in at close range. Watch your back when Boba Fett is on the table!

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