New Crime Boss Vos: Star Wars Destiny Build

By Barclay Montgomery | November 23rd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Dryden Vos

Dryden Vos is muscling his way into the criminal underground in Star Wars Destiny. Will he top even the likes of  the great Jabba the Hutt?Dryden Vos

Dryden Vos is ruthless to the extreme and his presence will change the course of Destiny. This powerful new Villain is at a beefy 13 health and has a crazy special ability. With strong melee sides of 2 and 3 melee, 2 focus, and 1 resource, Vos is not to be underestimated.

His special ability allows you to shuffle your deck and then look at the top card of it; you may play that card for free. This could allow you to play extremely powerful, yet expensive, upgrade or Event for free, but it’s a big gamble. Gamorrean Guard

If you run an elite version of Vos, a Gamorrean Guard will fit perfectly at 30 points. This generic character has Guardian and has a similar character die pattern to Vos with powerful melee sides. The 2 focus on Vos’ character die can help out with those blank sides and can set up some big melee rounds. First Claim

First Claim is a new Yellow villain event card that is sure to bring the likes of the criminal underworld some new connections. For 3 resources, you may spot a Yellow character to gain resources equal to the cost of a support or an upgrade in play. If you target the new Millennium Falcon with this Event, you could gain 6 resources, albeit at the cost of 3. If you get lucky and pull this card with Dryden Vos’ ability, you get those resources for free. Fight Dirty

With all of the Yellow dice you will have in this deck, its best to Fight Dirty. This Yellow villain staple allows you to remove any number of Yellow dice to deal damage to a character equal to the amount of dice removed. If you happen to roll out badly with Vos and his Gamorrean, just use Fight Dirty to even the score.

Wanton Destruction

Another new Yellow villain event to grace the criminal underworld is Wanton Destruction. This 3 cost card makes it so that for each character die showing damage, deal damage equal to its value to its matching character.

This can be used in a combo after you have used Fight Dirty to punish your opponent that was setting up a huge damage pool. To be the top of the criminal underworld, you have to get your hands dirty, and Dryden Vos is ready.

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