Old Friends Together Again: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | December 8th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

This is where the fun begins! The old crew from a New Hope will be back together for one more round of Star Wars Destiny. Fulfill the Legacies! 

The New Hope Crew is back for another shot at the Empire in Star Wars Destiny. This time around we have a new version of Han and Luke teaming up. The new Han has a well rounded Scoundrel die and an incredible ability. He makes his own luck as his ability lets you reroll a die after you activate him, This die can be yours or an opponent’s but he will keep your dice moving for sure. 

Luke is ready to learn the ways of the Force, and his character die features an interesting array of options. 1 ranged, 2 ranged, 1 melee, 1 shield, and 1 resource make a versatile character to be sure. Luke also comes with a Power Action that let’s you spend 2 resources to resolve one of Luke’s character or upgrade dice and increase its value by 2. 4 ranged damage from 1 die, or even a boost on an upgrade die can be extremely powerful.

Force Focus is the perfect upgrade for Luke. This die is supportive with its shield and resource sides, and comes with a special ability that allows you to turn one of your dice to any side. Then you may reveal a Blue card from your hand to turn an opponent’s die to any side. This upgrade has it all and dice modification is important in Destiny.

The Millennium Falcon is the perfect vehicle to support our Heroes. This version of the Millennium Falcon cost 4 resources and has 2 ranged, 3 ranged, 4 indirect damage, 2 shields and 2 resources to make a powerful support. It also comes with an amazing ability to activate one of your characters after activating the Falcon. Hold together baby!

The Heroes have some new old characters to bring the good fight to the Empire in Star Wars Destiny.

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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