Pirate Captain: Star Wars Destiny Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | March 15th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Get ready for some sneaky pirate crime lord tactics with this Villain combo for Star Wars Destiny. Pirates and Hutts together against the galaxy!

Hondo Onaka, Respected Businessman, is a Neutral character for Destiny that can be a welcome addition to any deck. In this case, we will go for the elite Hondo to hopefully take advantage of his special ability. Being able to deal 3 damage to an opponent’s character, unless they give you a resource, is a great way to strong arm them! No character wants to take 3 damage, so giving you a resource is almost a given, unless they have no resources to give out!

Cunning is a great upgrade to get more mileage out of Hondo’s special. Its special ability allows you to resolve a special ability on another card as if it were your card. This can potentially use Hondo’s special twice with Cunning and his character die. 6 damage at once or pay 2 resources; not good odds for your opponent. This can get even more crazy with a Cunning special, and 2 of Hondo’s character dice showing his special. 9 damage or 3 resources!

Jabba is just the right type of partner for Hondo. With 2 focus sides and the ability to reroll Yellow dice, Hondo will be able to utilize his special ability quite often. 2 disrupt is identical to Hondo’s, so you can keep the pressure on your opponent to not have the resources needed to prevent the Hondo special. 

Hunter Instinct is another great upgrade for Hondo, that can make his special ability even more punishing than it already is. Having a similar die to Cunning, as well as Jabba, this upgrades has 1 focus, 1 disrupt, 1 resource, and 2 special ability sides. The special ability allows you to deal 1 damage to a character or 2 damage if that character has 3 or more damage on it. This can add up fast for your opponent, who will not be able to hold off the Hondo special for long!

Th icing on the Crime Lord Pirate cake is the Pirate Speeder Tank. Used to great effect by Hondo, this support can really finish off your opponent for good. With massive damage potential (3 ranged, 4 indirect, and 5 indirect for a resource) this tank is ready to decimate your foes. It also has an amazing special ability that works in tandem with Hondo’s ability. Deal 2 damage to a character, give a character 2 shields, and take an additional action. This tank will run right over your opponents and stomp them flat!

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