Playing With Ackbar’s Money Bags – Top Decks of Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | March 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

If you like plentiful resources in Star Wars Destiny, look no further than the fabled Ackbar Money Bags deck! Check out what makes him so rich!

To start with, this deck features the elite version of Admiral Ackbar and his faithful sidekicks, 2 Hired Guns. Among these characters,each die features 2 sides that are resources. This enables you to roll mad money almost every turn! They key to this deck’s success is not in the upfront firepower of its characters, but powerful supports. Let’s take a look at the 2 most powerful.

The Launch Bay is an outstanding card that’s die is reflected in how may cards you have in your hand. At the start of every round, it will be 5 on any side of its die! % discard, 5 ranged, 5 shields! What a beast of a card. The only offset is its high resources. But with Ackbar and your Hired Guns, you’ll have 5 resources in no time!

The Millennium Falcon is another superb support card. For 5 resources, you get powerful ranged damage, discard, and an incredible special ability. Playing Yellow event cards from your hand or even your discard pile is no small feat. This hunk o’ junk has it where it counts!

There you have it! Get all the resources you need with this awesome Hero deck featuring Admiral Ackbar and the Hired Guns. Have you tried this deck yet?