Playing Yoda & Luke in Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | February 23rd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Feel the Force around you with this iconic Blue Hero team for Star Wars Destiny. You must unlearn what you have learned and let go!

Wizened Jedi Master Yoda is one of the most powerful characters to grace Star wars Destiny. Having no blank sides to his die, Yoda is always there for you in your training. 2 focus, 1 disrupt, 1 discard, 1 shield, and 2 special ability sides make him an excellent support character, all at 10 points. His special ability allows you to choose 2 of the following: gain 1 resource, gain 1 shield, turn a dice to any side, or discard the top card of a deck. Such versatility in such a tiny package! He will be a great mentor to Elite Luke Skywalker.

Jedi Knight Luke is ready to face his fears, and defeat the Emperor with Yoda at his side. 2 melee, 3 melee, 1 focus, 1 shield, and 1 resource make for a balanced die that can hit hard. After you activate Luke, you may draw a card, keeping options flowing through your hand.

Having gone through extensive Force Training, Luke is ready for battle. 1 ranged, +2 melee, 1 focus, 1 resource, and 1 special ability make this very similar to Luke’s character die. The special ability is just like Yoda’sin that it net’s you 2 options from the following: deal 1 damage, gain 1 resource or gain 1 shield. Adding even more versatility to your characters, this die can be comboed with Yoda’s special ability to gain you a total of 4 choices to choose from. Much training!

Force Meditation is another way to use the Force for knowledge and defense. 1 focus, 1 shield, 1 resource, and 2 special ability sides seem very similar to the other upgrades we have so far. This special ability, however, discards the top 2 cards of a deck. This can be a great way to change your enemy’s plans significantly.

Much you have learned. Use your knowledge of the Force to defeat your foes through a battle of wits rather than brawn.

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