Plo Koon’s Troops: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | August 30th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Jedi Master Plo Koon is here to lend his leadership expertise to his troops in Star Wars Destiny. His strength lies is in the men he leads.

Jedi Protector Plo Koon is a fantastic character if you favor non-unique characters. Plo Koon has a nifty passive ability that allows him to gain the abilities of each non-unique character you have in play. This can really get your passive abilities going to light speed in no time. His character die is respectable with 1 melee, 2 melee, 1 focus, 1 shield, and 1 resource. 

Plo Koon will have the same abilities as non-uniques, so let’s go with 2 Jedha Partisans. Their passive abilities kicking in after you deal indirect damage to an opponent for the first time each round; you may discard the top card of a deck. With two sides of their character dice featuring 2 indirect damage, the Jedha Partisans will have no trouble getting that indirect damage off, and with Plo Koon and 2 Partisans, your opponent will be discarding 3 cards from their deck each round!

For even more sneaking discard action, use Explosive Tactics. This 2 cost Yellow Event can delete your opponent’s deck in a hurry by being able to discard the top card of his deck; then deal indirect damage equal to its cost. If this was the first time you’ve dealt indirect damage to your opponent this round, he will have to discard 3 more cards. Nuts! 

Plo Koon’s Starfighter will be providing air support. This 3 cost Blue Support has a built-in ability to turn one of your non-unique character dice to any side, helping you get those indirect damage results that you need. Plo Koon’s Starfighter has 2 ranged, 3 ranged for a resource, 1 disrupt, 1 shields and 1 resource to aid your characters in the destruction of the Villains in Star Wars Destiny!

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