Rebels On the Advance: Star Wars Legion Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | April 12th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Legion, Star Wars Tactics

The Rebels are ever moving forward with their cause and victory is achieved by the ground troops in battle. Equip your Rebel squads with these Rebel Specialists!

Every Rebel can be a leader in Legion! It takes a special kind of character to bring the fight to the Empire, and these Officers have what it takes. For Rebel Officers, it may seem daunting to motivate your troops to face the full power of the Empire.

Rebel Officer

With Inspire 1 you may remove 1 suppression token from a friendly unit at range 1-2. Also supporting your troops, Take Cover can give a dodge token to a friendly trooper unit at range 1. The Rebel Officer can also make their own shots count with Sharpshooter 1, reducing enemy cover by 1 with ranged attacks.

Operatives & Commandos

Rebel Commandos

Rebel Commandos are the perfect versatile unit to be led by Rebel Officers. Keeping a Low Profile, these Commandos improve their cover by 1 if they are in light cover. With their Rebel Officer giving them Take Cover, they can get into position with minimal losses. Scout 2 can even help them get close to the enemy after they deploy!Sabotaged Communications

Sabotaged Communications is a command card that can be used by your Rebel Officer to select 1 Special Forces unit to get the job done. This makes it so that your opponent issues orders to 1 fewer unit, to a minimum of 1. Commands and orders are critical in Legion, and disrupting those orders can give the Rebels the edge they need to secure a victory.


Rebel Comms Technician

Since your Commandos have been given a  Sabotaged Communications missions, it will be critical to enlist a Comms Technician. This personnel upgrade gives you a special Rebel Comms mini. Plus you also get the ability to equip a comms upgrade that can be the key to disruption for your Rebels.

Comms Jammer

A Comms Jammer on your Comms Technician can be the linchpin to your strategy for your Rebel Commandos. Jam enemy units at range 1, preventing them from receiving orders, unless they are issuing orders to themselves. With their Scout ability, they should have no problems getting in close, and disrupting Imperial communications.

Secure your victory with the Rebels in Legion and bring down the Empire!

More Star Wars Tactics

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.