Relentless Villains: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | March 30th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Agent Kallus has teamed up up with the notorious Trandoshan bounty hunter, Bossk, to hunt down the Rebels. This team will make sure their hits count!

Agent Kallus is a relentless Red Villain that will go elite in this deck. His ability to change his character die on a whim from ranged to melee and back again is a fantastic Power Action that will keep the pressure on for the Heroes. 2 ranged and 2 melee sides of his dice make for an aggressive character. Bossk will provide backup. 

Bossk favors ranged combat but likes to get up close and personal with his 3 melee for a resource side. Bossk will really come in handy with his character ability. After you activate Bossk, you may move 1 damage from an opponent’s character to another character, ignoring shields. This can focus down on one character that you need dead for sure!

Another way to bypass those pesky shields that the Heroes tend to favor is with the IQA-11 Blaster Rifle. This rifle comes with a special ability to deal 2 unblockable damage to a character; perfect for Bossk and his ability. Get that damage on to characters quick and start focusing it on an important support Hero, like Yoda! 

Kallus’ B0-Rifle goes great with Agent Kallus, oddly enough. With just as many ranged an melee sides as his character dice, this weapon will turn Kallus into an unstoppable damage dealing force. Ambush is just the icing on the cake as this can allow you to equip it and roll his dice into your pool. Then use his Power Action for your next action to focus his dice into a huge burst of damage.

Relentless Pursuit will really make Bossk shine with his ability to move damage around. This 0 cost Event moves 2 damage from an opponent’s character to another character, ignoring shields. This can really put the hurt on a character and get you one step closer to defeating a key component of your opponent’s deck. 

The Verpine Sniper Rifle is another great weapon to include in your arsenal.  At 2 resources, you get a weapon that can deal 2 unblockable damage as a special ability and can add ranged utility to either Bossk or Kallus. The focus is great to get your dice where you want to deliver a punishing blow to the Rebel Heroes in Star Wars Destiny!

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