Serisswarm Back Again: X-Wing Builds

By Barclay Montgomery | January 23rd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Serrissu is back again with her Scyk Swarm, and this time they are packing a serious payload for all the Scum haters out there!

Serissu leads the charge in this Scyk Swarm with some defensive buffs for her squadmates. Keeping this squad in a tight formation will make it better for defense as well as offense. Serissu will mark a target for destruction at the start of the match.

Serissu has a Score to Settle! This can buff her attacks as she is mostly here as a support element for her other Scyk-mates. Being able to change one of her focus results to a crit can help her utilize her evade action for her own defense at target approach.

The heavy lifters of this squad are Tansarii Point Veterans. The crazy pilots are smack in the middle of pilot skill at 5 and have the elite slot opened up. This is perfect for what we want with this squad!

The first step to get these Scyks up to snuff is by equipping Heavy Scyk Interceptor titles. Not only does it give them an extra hull point, but this also gives them the torpedo slot. Perfect for Flechette Torpedoes! 

This 2 point torpedo upgrade requires a target lock to fire, and rolls 3 attack dice After you perform an attack with Flechette Torpedoes, the defender receives 1 stress token if its hull value is 4 or lower. This is great since the defender receives a stress token regardless if the attack hits or not. This can pile up fast with our Scyks!

The icing on the cake is to equip the Tansarii Veterans with Saturation Salvo. After you perform your attack with your Flechette Torpedoes, if it misses, the defender gains a stress token, and each ship at range 1 of that defender will suffer 1 damage on a hit or crit roll if its agility is 1. This is a perfect combo to deal with large based ships that are giving you a hard time. Not a bad deal when you are blasting away with Flechette Torpedoes! Give those Rebels and Imperials something to stress about with the newest edition of the Scyk Swarm!

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