Space Predator: Star Wars X-Wing Scum Build

By Barclay Montgomery | February 20th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

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The bodyguard of Prince Xizor himself is ready to defend him at all costs. Guri is here in a custom Scum StarViper that will be a tricky target to hit

Guri is the premier StarViper ace at PS5. Her ability to generate a free focus token whenever she is at Range 1 of an enemy is a great ability to give her utility to fight any battle in X-Wing. With the new titles afforded to the Scum in the Hired Guns expansion, Guri can soar to new heights!

The old standby, Virago is a great title to get the StarViper the upgrades and Systems it needs to gain an advantage over the Rebels and Empire. More on these later, but we have a basis for the build.

Debris Gambit is a great Elite upgrade that Guri can take advantage of with the Virago title. Debris Gambit allows you to perform an action that assigns an evade token to your ship for every obstacle at range 1 to a maximum of 2 evade tokens. 3 agility is tough to get through, especially so with those evades!

Guri can be vulnerable at PS5, so use a Cloaking Device. This gives Guri the ability to cloak, but with the wonky tech of the Scum, it might break if you get an unlucky roll after using it. We can make it less painful if we are forced to decloak.

Stygium Particle Accelerator is perfect for gaining another free evade token once Guri decloaks. It can work while we still have the Cloaking Device equipped as it nets you an evade token whether you cloak or decloak. If you are forced to decloak from a faulty Cloaking Device roll, you won’t be completely vulnerable. 

The StarViper Mk.II title goes a long way in keeping the StarViper relevant. Not only does it allow you to keep the Virago title as well, it also subtracts 3 points off your squad points cost and also gains you a nifty new barrel-roll ability. Instead of using the straight 1 for a barrel roll, the SV Mk. 11 title makes you use the 1 bank for your barrel rolls, giving you more maneuverability.

Since you are betting on a Debris Gambit, Collision Detector can help you be not so restricted to your maneuver actions. This System upgrade allows you to barrel roll and even decloak onto an obstacle and only taking damage on a critical roll.This can afford you some maneuver options while you are lurking near your opponent, looking for the best shots at Range 1!

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