The Villains have some tricks up their sleeves, especially with this rainbow deck featuring Bala-Tik! Come and see what devious plans they have cooked up.
This Villain deck features, elite Bala-Tik, FN-2199, and a Nightsister. Bala -Tik is a great character to go elite with in this squad. His ability to be able to be readied after an opponent is defeated makes him very dangerous as he can continue the damage streak. His die is well rounded to support ranged damage and has 1 focus to help with bad dice rolls. Also, he adds the ever popular Yellow class of cards for Destiny.
Since FN-2199 is in this deck for melee and Red cards, Gaffi Stick is a great upgrade to include. This weapon supports melee, has disrupt, and resource. It also features a special ability and redeploy for more utility. The special ability is great for forcing through 3 damage to a character. All that is required is to remove a die showing melee damage.
FN-2199 is a great character that can make super fast plays with his ability. After he is equipped with a weapon, he may roll that die and resolve it if able. This is a great way to get free damage in quick and dirty like, or gain shields or resources. This does not activate FN-2199, so this is great before you actually do activate him.
His signature weapon is the Z6 Riot Baton. This legendary weapon has a built in reroll and is deadly efficient at melee. Also great for this deck is the redeploy it comes with.
Nighsister has been around since the beginning, and she continues to see play. Her action ability of being able to reroll a die is fantastic. She does have to take damage to enable this reroll, but that can be mitigated with careful shield placement. She is ranged damage oriented, and also allows for Blue upgrades in your deck.
Force Push is a great ability to equip on the Nightsister. Not only does it boost her ranged damage, but it also has an amazing special ability. You may turn up to 2 of an opponent’s dice to sides of your choice. This can go a long way in messing with your opponent’s dice along with her action ability to reroll.