The Droid General: Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | January 9th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Gerneral Grievous

General Grievous is taking a step back from melee combat to command his droid army to defeat the Jedi in Star Wars Destiny.

General Grievous

General Grievous is taking a step back from the front lines of battle to lead his droid armies in Star Wars Destiny. Favoring a more supportive role, Grievous has 1 ranged, 2 indirect, 2 focus, 1 shield, and 1 resource on his character die. His also has a built in ability to decrease the cost of each droid on your team by 1, allowing you to field 3 Commando Droids with the single die version of himself. Grievous is even packing a Power Action that will come in hand with 3 Commando Droids, being able to re-roll any number of your droid dice! Commando Droid

Commando Droids are swarming the battlefield with Grievous at the lead. Their character dice featured 1 ranged, 1 ranged, +2 ranged, 2 indirect, and 1 resource. After you activate a Commando Droid, you may activate one of your other droid characters or supports, giving you a nice tempo advantage with them. Their dice compliment General Grievous’ die as well, giving you whatever you need, and a Power Action re-roll if not! 
Hailfire Droid Tank

With the Commando Droid ability to be able to activate a support after you activate them, a Hailfire Droid Tank would be an exceptional choice to have on this team. This powerful droid support can deal out massive damage with its ranged and indirect sides, and can even disrupt enemy resources and gain shields for your team. Having no blanks on its die, you will always have a good result and a re-roll as a backup with General Grievous!Battle Formation

With 4 Red characters on your team, Battle Formation will get good use out of its effect. For 0 resources, you gain Ambush and the ability to re-roll your dice equal to the amount of Red characters you have. An additional re-roll after Grievous’ Power Action can ensure that you will not be disrupted easily as you bring your droid army to bear in Star Wars Destiny!

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