There is Always Two: SW Destiny Decktech

By Barclay Montgomery | July 21st, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

These two dark boys are kicking Hero butts and taking names. This all Blue Villain deck is a powerhouse in Star Wars Destiny!

Kylo Ren is a newly dedicated Dark Side user that really embraces his anger. His powers are strong and it shows in his die. With a good mix of melee, resource, and shielding, he can hold his own in most any battle. His special ability is also something to watch out for, being that he can sneak some surprise damage in. The Desciple needs an Apprentice.

And Apprentice he gets, albeit in the form of Darth Vader at the height of his power. The new  Darth Vader is really angry and is about massive damage no matter the cost. 1 ranged, 2 melee sides, a discard, and a special ability that packs a wallop. This guy let’s his hate flow. His special ability is so powerful that it does damage to himself. A way to get around that can be to Rise Again.

This namesake card allows Darth Vader to deal damage to his foes any way he can with impunity. If he takes too much damage from his onslaught, use Rise Again to heal 5 damage and gain an upgrade from your discard pile for free. Such an amazing card for an amazing character.

You can use Force Choke in this deck to really make your foes quiver. This 2 resource Legendary upgrade is mainly used for its special ability, which can combo off of kylo’s die. This can allow you to deal 1 unblockable damage to a character, then you can turn one of its dice to any side. This is a great way to manipulate die, deal damage, and potentially use Kylo’s ability to deal damage all in one activation. Such power!

The Dark Side is strong and full of hate. Get your hate on with this deck  featuring two dark boys!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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